FSE: 80M

Pilipas Lithium Project

Ophir has an option with Azimut Exploration to acquire up to an undivided 70% interest in the Pilipas Lithium Property, which is located approximately 50 km south of the Company’s Radis Lithium Project in the James Bay, Quebec.

Pilipas Fig1

Highway 1 Spodumene outcrop > 150 m along striKe & up to 30 m wide

Spod Arial

Lithium Potential

  • Newly discovered spodumene pegmatite occurrence, the Highway (HW1) showing, with the approximate dimensions of > 150 m along strike and up to 30 m wide
    • The pegmatite is open in multiple directions
    • Outcrop is situated approximately 200 m east of the Billy Diamond Highway
  • Spodumene was also identified in a separate trend 500m south of the HW1 showing, with seven (7) additional discontinuous spodumene bearing pegmatite outcrops over an approximate strike length of 450 m
  • Select samples have been sent for rush analysis to SGS Canada
  • Drill program planned for late summer/fall 2024
2024 Pilipqs Sample Map

Spod Map

The Pilipas Property consists of 135 claims totaling 7,100 ha and is situated within the La Grande Subprovince (Archean Superior Province). It is primarily underlain by volcano-sedimentary rocks (Greenstone) of the Lower Eastmain Greenstone Belt: conglomerate, sandstone, basalts and felsic to intermediate tuffs. Two regional NW-SE dextral faults transect the southwestern and northeastern parts of the Property. The Property is immediately adjacent to the newly discovered Ninaaskumuwin spodumene pegmatite made by Quebec Precious Metals on their Elmer East project. The Pilipas Property is a highly prospective environment for lithium-cesium-tantalum (LCT) pegmatites, as well as highly prospective for both gold and copper.

  • The Pilipas Property is in structural continuity with the InSight prospect on the adjacent Munischiwan Property (up to 100.5 g/t Au, 435.0 g/t Ag, 156.0 g/t Te and 1.67% Cu from grab samples).
  • A 2019 IP survey at Munischiwan suggests that the prospect may extend onto Pilipas.
  • The Billy-Diamond Highway passes through the center of the Property.
  • Hydropower flanks the east side of the Property.
  • Easily accessible from Radisson and KM 381 Relais Routier.


The results discussed in this document are historical. An Ophir Metals Corp. qualified person has not performed sufficient work or data verification to validate these results in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. The Company nevertheless believes that they provide an indication of the property’s potential and are relevant for any future exploration program.

Management cautions that discoveries on adjacent properties (i.e. Spodumene on the Ninaaskumuwin discovery at Elmer East and gold on the InSight prospect on the Munischiwan Property which are noted in Figure 2) may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the Pilipas Property. The Company considers the Pilipas Property to host significant potential for spodumene pegmatites (LCT) due to its favorable greenstone geological setting, regional faulting, sheer zones and hinge fold, as well as anomalous Ta, Cs, Nb and Sn geochemistry and numerous observed tourmaline in described white pegmatites.